Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bruins Parade

Not news to anyone but the Bruins won the Stanley Cup!  Nick didn't plan on taking Colton to the parade (what a mob scene it would be) but when Colton woke up and put his jersey on and told me Daddy was taking him to the parade for a "dude day" all plans for a Saturday afternoon went out the door.  They hopped on the commuter rail and watched the parade from the windows of Nick's work which is right on Boylston.  When I asked Colton what his favorite thing about the day was he said "the vending machines at Dad's work has the blue bag Sun Chips and I love those".  Ha.  He loved the parade too and made lots of signs that they hung out the windows and screamed to the players.  Hopefully not a once in a lifetime thing but glad he got to see the cup and celebrate the Bruins victory in Boston with his dad. :)

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