Sunday, January 29, 2012


On Sunday we the kids on a hike/geocaching since it was another abnormally warm winter day.  I even got Heidi to come on our adventure and she found our first cache of the day!  There is a park not far from Heidi's house that is close to the ocean and surrounded by marshes that has a multi-cache hunt that we decided to try.  Basically you have the gps coordinates for the first find and then when you find that cache it gives you coordinates for the next, then so on and so on.  This particular set has 6 hidden caches.  We managed to find 3 of the 6 before it got dark and we needed to head back.  My gps was also dying since it hasn't been charged or used in so long.  Usually we just use the iphone app but with longitude and latitude coordinates I need to bust out the garmin.  The boys are getting really good at using the gps and the compass.  They were so mad that it was getting dark but I promised we could finish this hunt another day.  :)

 Taking a snack break...luckily one of the paths led us to a baseball field!

Holy Cow - this would be Brayden actually posing for a picture!!!

This was the last cache we found.  
We were searching all over and then I spotted this little birdie.  
It is hallow with gps coordinates hidden inside of it!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Riley the rising hockey star...

Riley's hockey team got to play on the ice between periods at the Quincy and North Quincy rivalry game.  Of course being his biggest fans we were there to cheer him on.  Colton thought it was so cool because they played the "snoopy song" too just like they did for his game at Providence.  The game was really exciting and I couldn't help but foreshadow my future when I was taking in the parents sitting in the parent zone and all the kids sitting in the kids zone trying to pretend they don't know their

Izzy the Piggy...

My friend Christine just bought a pet pig, Izzy.  She also just moved to South Plymouth with the state forest literally in her backyard.  Colton and I went down on Saturday to meet Izzy and go for a hike, yes, Izzy came with us.  Although, Izzy took her time on the trails and Christine had to carry her part of the way while she literally squealed in horror (she hates being carried), she was a trooper.  We went by so many other people on the trails who would stop to meet Izzy saying they had heard about a pig in the area that likes to  It was an abnormally warm day in New England and PERFECT hiking weather so we just kept going on the trails and decided to find a geocache along the way.  Colton was excited because there is a geo series in these woods named after "Jedi's" and being a Star Wars fan he thought it was the coolest name for a geocache ever.  So we found this one down by a tree right next to a pond.  We were searching for awhile when all of a sudden Colton said "Mom, look at this cool rock" found the cache!  The log was hidden in the rock and we were able to check off the "Jedi Knight" from the list.  Our goal is to find 50 geocaches this year...that means we have a lot of hikes with hopefully a cute pig in our future.  Colton didn't want to leave but after 2+ hours of hiking he said, well let's just go back to Christine's and hangout.  We ended up walking straight to the car and he fell asleep as soon as we pulled out of the driveway.  So fun and we are already planning our next visit (did I mention before we hiked we did lunch and bloodymary's?...that is how you start a hiking adventure people...also how you spend a perfect Saturday!)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Skating in Providence...

Colton's hockey coach arranged for the kids to play a mini game at the Dunkin Donuts Arena in Providence right before the Providence Bruins game this weekend.  It was a 10 minute game but they got to get dressed in the Bruins locker room, sit on their benches and even got a free hat!  Such a cool experience for a 5 year old.  Of course his biggest fans were there to watch (Mom, Dad, Nana, Auntie Heidi, Riley and Brayden).  The kids seriously had such a great time and then all of the families (we played another Weymouth team so there were a ton if us) had tickets to the game so we all got to sit with each other.  Colton and Riley busted out their dance moves and got on the jumbo-tron that was just the icing on the cake for these two hockey playing dance machines.  The coach said that the Providence Bruins taped the game and he is going to get us all copies...I will definitely update this post when I get it!

 Waiting with his fans!

 Coach Brady telling him to kick butt!

 #5 - first one on the ice!

 Look at me mom!

Team Picture - The Jaguars
 Time to watch the Providence Bruins tear it up!

 Fire and Ice for dinner after the game, complete with the ice cream bar and everything!

Here is a little video of the boys showing off their dance moves...not quite sure the other parents and kids knew what was happening.  This particular video cracks me up because the two young kids sitting in front of us were videoing them dancing because it was so funny.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Birthday fun with our buddy Rich...

Look who just turned 5...Colton's best buddy Rich!  Another hockey party adventure, this time we joined the Wells and some of their family and friends to a small birthday celebration at the Northeastern Huskies game.  It was so cute to watch the boys sit shoulder to shoulder just cheering on their Huskies.  They yelled, they cheered, they clapped and of course made silly faces...a great birthday celebration if you ask me.  Happy Birthday Rich!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Street Hockey

Colder than a witches...oh just cold this weekend alright.  The weather didn't stop the boys from playing a little street hockey before the snow hit (it is coming people...don't say you haven't been warned).  This weekend the only injury was a stick to the face.  Riley took a slap-shot on Nick and Colton got the stick in the face.  After all the blood was washed away, it was nothing more than a fat lip and a stick mark on chin.  Riley consoled Colton by letting him know they won the game and the puck went in the net, which apparently made the war wounds worth it.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another reason to bake...

Riley and Brayden wanted to celebrate Nick's birthday too so I made dinner and some vanilla whoopie pies with nutella frosting.  No leftovers...seriously did you think there would be?!?!

Hockey Player meets Figure Skater...

Woo hoo...a Saturday afternoon open with no plans, Colton and I decided to hit the open skate at our town rink.  I can skate, I grew up skating on cranberry bogs, it is like riding a just don't forget.  I have white figure skates...I am a girl...I like the color pink, the smell of fresh flowers and I skate apparently slow.  Colton literally did about 2-3 laps to my 1.   I seriously tried to go fast and thought I was, but I couldn't keep up!  Colton found me on one of his laps and decided he would skate backward to keep pace with me, well when he turned around he knocked into a guy and they both fell.  This poor guy was about my age, well over 6' and was horrified...I also think he busted his hip even though he said he was fine.  We didn't see the guy skating after that but later he was back on the ice so hopefully Colton didn't scar him for life.  It was a lot of fun though and I hope to get on the ice again legs are sore so it was also a good workout (even if I am slow). 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Riley oh Riley...

My nephew Riley wants to be the next Justin Bieber I think...well I know he wants to be a singer in a band.  This is a video of my sister catching him singing in the shower.  No joke I piss my pants EVERY time I watch it.  You have to watch it all the way to the end to appreciate it.  

The other video is of him snowboarding.  This is him coming down a run only after day two of being on a board.  Sammy is giving him lessons on the weekend over at Blue Hills and it looks like we have a really good teacher and student on our hands.  Now how about some voice lessons?!?!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nickaroo turns...

The big old 3-7 for Nick this year.  Colton thinks it is hysterical that his dad is soooo old and that much older than mommy.  Oh yeah.  Caramel lava cakes, a home cooked meal and hockey that night...birthday delight.

Monday, January 9, 2012


I must say "STOP RUNNING" at least a thousand times a day.  Well it is all for a reason right, one day they eventually will trip, fall, or this time....stub a toe.  Colton and Nick were going to play a little street hockey in the playroom (still not sure why they don't get that that is an outside sport) and Buddy ran after the tennis ball making Colton run faster...right into the threshold of the playroom and stubbed his toe.  He actually sliced his toenail right in half and pretty much off...oh yes.  I wish I had a video of Nick screaming in horror and Colton crying while he blames was Oscar winning.  We cleaned it up, called the doctor and they said to come in the next morning to have the nail removed.  Oddly enough the toe didn't really bother Colton because the nail wasn't really on and since it has split the bleeding didn't cause his toe to swell.  The most painful part was when they had to numb his toe to remove the nail but I promised him a smoothie when it was all over.  He was a trooper.  We went to 7-11 and he got a coca-cola mixed with sprite icee and I got a double gulp - diet coke (inappropriate size people...Colton said watching me drink this thing all day was the funniest).  His toe looks nasty and I don't know how a toenail will grow back but they say it will.  He feels fine and is back to business as usual.  

Warning:   some graphic toe shots below for those of you into that thing.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Slushies for all...

The coach bought all the kids slushies after the game this week because a few kids got hat-tricks.  Colton didn't score, came close, but he didn't care because he still got a slushy.