Thursday, September 3, 2009


I can't believe it...Colton is in preschool. Wednesday it was parent/child day so I went to school with him to meet the teacher and we had joint assignments...typical preschool stuff like find your locker, find this...color that...we both passed with flying colors. :-) His first official day will be this Wednesday after Labor Day. He will be going M-W-F for half days and he is very excited to start school but is sort of upset he doesn't get to eat lunch there (lol). Once I told him we still have to pack snacks he was really excited again and told me we will go snack shopping this weekend together (he has visions of fruit snacks I am sure). We went out for a special Mommy and Colton pre-preschool breakfast that morning and he was so cute and I really wish I could freeze time when you have those special moments. Thank goodness kindergarten is still 2 years away...I need to mentally prepare myself that my baby is growing up.

This one cracks me up because I asked him to give me the biggest "cheese" he could and not to tilt his head (which is his staple camera pose...he gets it from me...I mean you gotta do what you can to hide those double chins)!

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