Saturday, December 10, 2011

A little girl time...

We got to spend the day with our two little teacups, Leighton and Isla, the other day while Wally and Alicia were busy painting at the new house.  Colton has so much fun playing sesame street with Leighton and playdough.  He even asked if he could hold Isla because she was so "cute", which normally he isn't all that into babies but clearly Isla has him wrapped around his little finger with that face of hers.

 Having breakfast together, Colton leans over and asks "so how's if going being a big sister?"...hysterical.
 Leighton the builder!
 Mini Hopper if you ask me.
I think they like being cousins!!!

So funny...pretty sure Leighton just admitted that she broke Daddy's computer.  LOL

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