Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Went out last weekend with the girls for Kim's birthday. Had a great dinner at Square Cafe in Hingham center and then they insisted on doing karaoke. Well the only place I knew of that had karaoke was this bar called Bucks. I had never been but it is one of those places you always have wondered what it was like on the inside. It was pretty funny, filled with mostly girls and locals who clearly karaoke every Friday night. In comes Kim, who orders a martini (Bucks is a beer and peanuts kinda place) and the girls in their heels and mini-dresses. Bucks didn't know what hit them. Kim and Christine started the night off with Salt n Peppas Push It...it was a scene to say the least. Hysterically fun night and we all want to hit Bucks again next time we go out. Fancy dinners and Bucks...it is quite the combo.

Salt n Peppa

That is "w" for Weymouth...they are goofballs!

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