Sunday, February 26, 2012

Snow is just a short drive away...

Another family trip up to Alicia's parents condo in Lincoln, NH.  We were ecstatic that it actually snowed while were were there and had tons of fresh powder.  Colton and Brayden did two full days of ski school at Loon and the last day Colton was cruising down the green trails like a pro!  His instructor just kept going on and on about how good he was an how "fast" he how he was so fast she had to speed up every run to keep up with him but he is super strong and can stop and control himself so well.  She said he was a "natural" and I think she thought he got them from his ski hungry parents.  Great little did they know...I sort of am over my downhill days and he wants nothing more than to hit the blue trails with his mommy since his instructor said he is ready for them.  I mean Alicia and I went cross country skiing (AMAZING) and could barely handle the little hills (hehe - I am such a wimp now what happened to me?)...we also spent just as much time throwing back some beers in the lodge while the kids finished up their lessons (my kind of skiing people).  Anyways - he got a report card and almost mastered it all but ONE thing held him back from being a pro...check it out in the pictures below (is he my kid of what?).  Sammy came with us as well and he, Heidi, Riley, Wally and Phil hit the "real" slopes.  Wally also talked Riley into boarding down some black diamonds (he is 8)...of course Riley loved it though. Wally even rented some skis for Leighton and took her down the bunny slope but  she was all set with the one run and being in the cold for any longer.  She did make the cutest snow bunny on the mountain though!  We fit so much into such a short time, lots of swimming and hot-tubing at the condo and even a mean 2 hour racquetball match between me, Nick, Alicia and Wally.  Most fun though was just being all together and seeing the cousins hanging out!

 Isla bug...kept Nana company while we were all out playing in the snow!

 She did NOT fall 2-3 matter what anyone says.  
 The trails went around a river and lake and it was just beautiful...this is our attempt to get the river and us in the picture...we suck.
 Come on now people.
 Reporting to class.
 Ha - Brayden in his shades.
 Dinner at the Common Man...yum!
 Colton introduced Sam to his first Shirley Temple.
 Riley with no idea that Banger is about to bring him down uncharted territory.

 OK - so he did great...mastered it all EXCEPT learning the instructors name...
In all fairness though, her name was Consuello and she was from Argentina.
Colton told me "I didn't know what her name was or understand anything this was saying, why mom?"

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