Friday, December 5, 2008

Riley's 5th birthday party!

Riley turned 5 a few weeks ago and we had a special soccer party at our house to celebrate. The original plan was to have it the weekend of his birthday (Nov.15th) but Riley came down with strep so we canceled for the following week hoping his health and the weather would cooperate. Riley got better but the weather didn't so we weren't able to do the adult/kids soccer game as planned. Heidi had made everyone t-shirts and Riley had picked the teams. Riley's Papa was suppose to be the ref and Nana Banana and Papa Roy were going to be goalies. What a scene it would have been?!?! We had fun anyways. The kids had a little Dance Party USA action going they got their exercise (I don't know why my video won't upload but I am working on it). Colton rocked his official futbol gear he had gotten for his birthday from Chucky & Wayne over in Newcastle. He looked like a professional and he sorta plays like a pro, it is crazy how well he can drop-kick a ball. We should also mention Riley and my mom (Nana) share a b-day so we need to throw a Happy Birthday to her as well.

Cool glasses...can we try this with beer now?

Serious dance moves and serious faces.

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