Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blue Hills...

Literally a day after we return from Loon, my sister decides she is going to take the kids night skiing at Blue Hills since they were having some event/deal.  Thankfully, Kelly went with her to help handle all the kids.  Well the first run down Colton showed them what Consuello meant when she said "he is fast", he got to the top of the mountain and turned to Kelly and said "I am going to go fast" and that was that.  He went full throttle all the way down, ok scary yes very, at a normal mountain there is usually a long, gradual landing zone, Blue Hills however is in the city and the end of the mountain is basically a parking lot and a cliff.  So you don't really have time to slow down.  Kelly tried to speed up and catch him but he was going to fast, she just screamed, luckily a man caught him right before he landed in the parking lot and killed himself.  Then Heidi had a nice long talk with him saying if he didn't slow it down and go side to side like everyone else she wouldn't take him again.  I think her and Kelly may have had a heart-attack.   She said he listened after that and other than this last run, that he knew she was taping, he went much slower.  I think he may get the full speed thing down the hill from me though, I never wanted to go kamikaze but skiing always went that way for me...the difference is I didn't choose it, Colton does.  While those fools were skiing I took Brayden on a date.  He picked the Cheesecake Factory (we took dessert to go) and a trip to the Disney store!


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