Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hockey Player meets Figure Skater...

Woo hoo...a Saturday afternoon open with no plans, Colton and I decided to hit the open skate at our town rink.  I can skate, I grew up skating on cranberry bogs, it is like riding a just don't forget.  I have white figure skates...I am a girl...I like the color pink, the smell of fresh flowers and I skate apparently slow.  Colton literally did about 2-3 laps to my 1.   I seriously tried to go fast and thought I was, but I couldn't keep up!  Colton found me on one of his laps and decided he would skate backward to keep pace with me, well when he turned around he knocked into a guy and they both fell.  This poor guy was about my age, well over 6' and was horrified...I also think he busted his hip even though he said he was fine.  We didn't see the guy skating after that but later he was back on the ice so hopefully Colton didn't scar him for life.  It was a lot of fun though and I hope to get on the ice again legs are sore so it was also a good workout (even if I am slow). 

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