Saturday, December 24, 2011


Days before Christmas Colton told me that he really really really wanted to see the Nutcracker.  Heidi and I decided it would be a perfect little mommy/son date on the afternoon of Christmas Eve.  Initially we wanted to take them to the Boston Ballet show at the Opera House (they actually went 2 years ago and loved it) but the show was sold out.  We opted for a local rendition done by the Jose Mateo International Ballet Company in Dorchestor.  It was actually fun going to new place and the dancers were amazing.  We even scored orchestra seats which is always a plus.  Manami came with us since she was home from college.  We had so much fun we think a Christmas Eve show will have to be tradition now.  After the show we went straight to the children's mass at our church which was awesome.  The children's choir acted out the nativity scene and then they played games like Jesus Jeopardy as part of the was so fun and Colton thinks church is fun even at night without fruit punch and donuts afterwards.

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