Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thanksgiving Parade

You can't grow up in Plymouth and not go back for the annual Thanksgiving parade.  The kids really look forward to it and with the food festival and all the other events happening down on the waterfront, it is a must do around this time of year.  Watching the parade from the windows of Wally's office makes the experience that much better!  Before the parade started the boys even played a little knee hockey.  It was a lot of fun and we even got to finally officially celebrate Leighton turning two since Isla was born the weekend of her family party.  Lots of pictures, because there were too many fun ones to share!

Ha - this would be Colton making a corn husk doll with one of the Turner twins (the guy with the mowhawk).  The Turner twins grew up in Plymouth and one of them was on the cover of Colton's Scholastic School book he brought home about Thanksgiving (they are official members of the Wompanoag tribe - yes he was in a loin cloth dressed in full indian garb...ewww).  I told Colton how I knew him and I might have lied and told him that he was Auntie Heidi's first  Anyways, Colton was sooo scared when he saw him because he knew I wasn't lying about him being a real was hysterical.  Eventually, the Turner twin told him they aren't scarey and that the craft would be fun so Colton warmed up and thought it was awesome to learn from an actual indian (ok Native American) that he has learned about in school.  Also, Heidi never kissed him...ewwwww again. In the end Colton thought it was really cool and couldn't wait to share the story with his class.

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